How are the teacher and this child making sense of this as play? How is play a coordinated activity?
“A detailed description of what the participants say and do in an interaction is not the same as an analysis of a practice that participants will use to accomplish an action. One model of an analysis of a practice is that it should enable someone to competently use that practice to perform an action. This involves moving away from discussing what particular people did on the occasion, to considering what people need to know and do in order to appropriately perform the action in any new situations they encounter. ”
“actions demonstrating forms of involvement performed by parties within evolving structures of talk” (Goodwin & Goodwin 2004: 222)
"Chuck stressed the importance of being “open to the world around you” and not being blinded by the myths of your discipline. As Chuck put it,
Be open to what the materials can show you… You couldn’t have dreamed that up in your office. It’s being open to what the world can show you that can lead in new directions.
(transcript from a video record of the meetings, captured and shared in personal correspondence by Mariana Levin)
He also recommended systematic, comparative analysis and the “value in trying to see regularities across different kinds of phenomena,” as he had done earlier that day in a comparison of girls playing hopscotch (C. Goodwin, 2000; M. H. Goodwin, C. Goodwin, & Yaeger-Dror, 2002) and archeologists excavating human dwellings (C. Goodwin, 1994). ...In Chuck’s hands, epistemic ecologies became the topic of the analysis, not an external method or scale for measuring the quality of thought of his study participants." (Hall, 2018. pp 668-9)
Hall, R. (2018) Learning From Chuck Goodwin, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 27:4, 666-671, DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2018.1530542
Chuck's lecture on co-operative action:
Saul Albert on how to do a data session
but my VERY favourite is listening to Candy Goodwin talking about how she and Chuck would have others over for dinner and then they's all look at data together!