Amanda Huang Shan


Amanda is a year-3 PhD student at Department of Communication of the University of Macau, Macau, China

When classrooms shift from physical ones to online ones, online classroom interaction between lecturers and students have changed accordingly. How do they collaboratively complete the teaching and learning while maintaining their categories? What are the technology mediated features when classroom interactions happen online? (Bolam, 2022; Mondada,2006) How do lecturers organize their lessons and orient students to get engaged in classroom activities, such as starting and closing, when the context is different now? (Eglin, 2009; Mondada, 2007; Payne, 1976; Schegloff & Sacks, 1973) How can conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis support researchers to explore the new teaching and learning environment?


Selected readings

1.       Bolam, C. (2022) “The recording has started”: Notes on the sudden move to online teaching. To be published. 20-42.

2.       Eglin, P. (2009). What do we do Wednesday? On beginning the class as university-specific work: A preliminary study*. Canadian Sociological Association. 39-58.

3.       Mondada, L. (2006). Participants’ online analysis and multimodal practices: Projecting the end of the turn and the closing of the sequence. Discourse Studies8(1), 117–129. 

4.       Mondada, L. (2007). Multimodal resources for turn-taking: Pointing and the emergence of possible next speakers. Discourse Studies, Vol. 9 (2), 195-226.

5.       Payne, G. (1976). Making a lesson happen: An Ethnomethodological analysis. I Hammersley, Martyn & Woods, Peter (red.) The process of schooling: A sociological reader. 33-40.

6.       Schegloff, E. A., & Sacks, H. (1973). Opening up closings. Semiotica, 7(4), 289-327.